Huakina Development Trust
Senior Management Team

Te Tumu Whakarae CEO
Maria Clarke
Te Tumu Whakarae CEO
What is important to Maria about Huakina?
I believe in the moemoea of Huakina Development Trust to support, strengthen and empower our whānau to provide their own solutions
What is one goal Maria wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
That the agencies realise they are enablers to support Māori Providers to deliver community solutions designed by the people.
‘Mai i te ūkaipo’
‘for the people, by the people about the people’.
To lead and participate in forums that influence transformational change enabling agencies to work together with Māori Providers contributing to the holistic well-being of whānau.

Tai Tuara and Interim IT Services
Sandie Shaw
Tai Tuara, Finance Manager and IT Services
What is important to Sandie about Huakina?
Working in a whānau environment ensuring our staff are equipped with the tools and resources needed to support our whanau.
What is one goal Sandie wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
Keeping things simple and accessible by being transparent.

GP Practice
Rosalie Ellis
GP Practice
What is important to Rosalie about Huakina?
How Huakina is whānau orientated and Māori based
What is one goal Rosalie wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
To ensure that everyone whom uses or is serviced through Huakina is treated with respect.
To listen with respect eg. Two ears not one.

Iwi Social Services
Sandra King-Tamihana
Iwi Social Services
What is important to Sandra about Huakina?
The origins of Huakina, the Tohu, the name, the battles, who challenged, how they challenged, what they stood for: the Mana of Awa, Moana, Whenua, Whānau, Hapū and Iwi – that these were our Tūpuna, who stood for our tomorrow.
What is one goal Sandra wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
To continue the ‘stand’, E Tū, for the Kaupapa – Mana Motuhake!
Strengthening Whānau for Whānau, Marae, Hapū and Iwi, Awa, Moana, Whenua.

Kaiwhakahaere Environment and Whare Oranga
Rangipipi Bennett
Environment and Whare Oranga
What is important to Rangipipi about Huakina?
Looking after the legacy that Huakina Development Trust was set-up by our Kaumātua/Kuia.
Huakina Development Trust supports our whānau to navigate their pathways and outcomes.
What is one goal Rangipipi wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
Creating a whānau-centered support service which will increase whānau independence and well-being through continued growth in knowledge and being able to realise their potential.
Using our Tikanga and Values of Huakina Development Trust:
Whanaungatanga (connectedness to everyone and everything)
Manaakitanga (respecting one another)
Kotahitanga (united purpose and direction)
Kaitiakitanga (safety, development, balance)
Rangatiratanga (direction, improvement, support).

Elaine Harwood
What is important to Elaine about Huakina?
All the services provided
Opportunities to grow and progress
To be a part of a positive culture
Manaaki tangata, Manaaki whakapapa - Caring for linage past, present and future.
What is one goal Elaine wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
My goal is to support and encourage others to do their best to meet our whānau needs, growth, and employee development.

AWHI Healthy Home
Amanda Ridge
AWHI Healthy Home
What is important to Amanda about Huakina?
Working in a whānau-based organisation, that always ensures whānau’s voice is at the forefront of everything we do.
What is one goal Amanda wishes to accomplish for Huakina? And how?
The continuous learning journey of meaningful respectful engagement with whānau.
With openness to listen, learn and ask questions from our Huakina whānau.