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Huakina AWHI Healthy Homes

Healthy Homes. Healthy Children

Warm, Dry Homes Keep Our Tamariki Healthy

Damp, cold houses put our children at risk of rheumatic fever, a condition that can affect children's lives forever.

AWAI Healthy Homes can help by repairing your home so it's warm and dry.

Helping our tamariki and rangatahi thrive.

Huakina AWHI Healthy Homes is a service for whānau with children aged 0-17 years living in the Franklin area.

Giving Our Kids The Best Start

Warm and Dry
Warm and Dry

Happy and Healthy
Happy and Healthy

Fit For The Future
Fit For The Future

Supporting You To Give Your Kids The Best Home

AWHI Healthy Homes is a free service supporting you to provide a warm, dry and healthy home for your children.

After an assessment, we can help with

  • Insulation

  • Ventilation

  • Heating

  • Draught stopping

  • Drainage

  • Housing and health advice, support and education

  • WINZ entitlement and budgeting advice

How To Access Huakina Healthy Homes Services

We're here for you

1. Let's talk

Call or email us and ask for our team to come and do an AWHI assessment.

2. Get the work done

Habitat For Humanities will put you on a waiting list for the work needed and do the work needed.

3. Watch Your Kids Thrive

The whole Whānau will feel warm and dry, so they're healthy and happy to grow and thrive.

Huakina Homecare Services - Find Us

15 Roulston Street, Pukekohe
Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland 2120

PHONE: 0800 622 874  opt. 5

Any Questions?

Do I need to have children to be referred to AWHI?

Yes. You can be referred if you're a hapū Māma.

Is AWHI available to Home Owners and Private rental properties?


Get In Touch

Fill in the form or speak with our team (freecall) 0800 622 874.

Let us know how we can help you. Fill in the form below and one of our team from the service you want to learn more about will be in touch as soon as possible.

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Thanks for reaching out to Huakina Development Trust. We’ll get the right person to get in touch with you as soon as possible.